Return Policy

At MDC, we make every effort to ensure that you not only receive the highest quality products, but also that you are satisfied with your purchase. Because our products are personal, we cannot accept used product returns. However, if you should encounter a problem, please contact our Customer Care department immediately at for details on how to resolve your specific matter.  If you have experienced a product defect, received an incorrect product, or unsatisfied with your product, please return the UNOPENED and UNUSED product to:


Morgan Dukes Cosmetics
PO Box 142151
Fayetteville, GA 30214

Again, we "Thank You" for your purchase and ask #AreyouwearingMDC.


Color Disclaimer

Although, every attempt has been made to present color accuracy on this website; The actual product may be a slightly different hue. But, I'm sure you will LOVE the Color!  They are ALL Beautiful...